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      Message from the CEO
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      No.1 Quality, System
      Aloe Farm
      Know-how & Results
      The future is "Qurs"
      What is Aloe
      Basic care line
         Pure aloe
         Belucie luxury
         special care
      Makeup line
      Cleansing line
      Sun care
      Personal care line
      online mall
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Origin of Aloe
Aloe originates from the continent of Africa where there are about 250 species. About 40 of them are found on Madagascar, an island southeast Africa. In addition, several species have their range in the Canary Island, Arabia, Mascaren Island and Scotra Island, northeast of Africa. However, other than the above places of origin. Aloe has been artificially moved and reverted to its wild state in tropical regions or dry subtropical regions such as India, Malaysia, Central America, South America, southern United States, and southwestern Japan. Nowadays, Aloe is artificially cultivated in the temperate regions like Korea, or the Artic regions like Siberia, due to development of greenhouses.

Plant of Lily Family
Botanically, Aloe is in the lily family. The botanical scholars explain that Aloe is a fleshy perennial evergreen plant. In other words, it is not a tree but it belongs to the grass family. It has thick leaves and lives for a long time. There are several hundred kinds of Aloe, some of which may reach 4 inches to 60 feet in height. Appearance varies from type to type, but all types of Aloe have thorns like saw teeth, and a light color, but they differ in brightness. The word Aloe originated from the Egyptian word "bitter" and "shining substance" but not all are bitter.

Why does Aloe show efficacy in many diseases ?
- The Structure of an Aloe Leaf
It was explained earlier that Aloe likes dry soil because its leaves contain much water. An Aloe leaf has distinctive front and rear surfaces, the central region is surrounded by these layered surfaces. The Epidermis has numerous stomatous and is strongly cuticularized to prevent dehydration. Beneath the epidermis, there are an outer layer and central region. The epidermis, is consists of several layers of palisade cells which contains chlorophyll.

The central area is made up of parenchymatous cells, which form most of the Aloe leaf. This region contains the aloetic juice from which the drug is prepared. Among three kinds of herbal Aloe, Vera contains more gel substance than other kinds, followed by Saponaria.

At the junction of the parenchmatous and central parts, there is a double row of vascular bundles which have well-marked percyclic containing a bitter juice. When the leaves are cut, the aloetic juice flows out; the juice also flows from whole leaves if there is breakage of the percycic cells caused by pressure from the surrounding cells. This yellowish-brown juice consists mostly of aloin, a substance that contains several medicinal ingredients.

- Ingredients of Aloe
Many medical researchers throughout the world have repeatedly done research and experiments to discover which of Aloe's ingredients shown the miraculous medicinal efficacy.

As a result, they have already discovered several effective medicinal ingredients. However, the opinion of many professionals is that only a small part of Aloe's "miraculous" medicinal ingredients have been discovered.
By early 1970, about 60 kinds of ingredients had been discovered. These were aloin, aloe emodin, aloesin, abonaside, aloetin, aloe ulcin, alomicin, saponalin, hexose high molecular polysaccharides, vitamins, saponin, proteins, healing hormone, iron, phosphorus, and many minerals.

Explaining these ingredients are explained, it could become too technical; thus, the major ingredients are summarized and the rest are simply listed below.

Arginase, amylase, catalase, exidase, alanine, arginine, asparitc acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, ricin, methionine, phenylalamine, tryptophane, tyrosine, vallinic amino acid, vitamin A, B, B2, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, mangan, magnesium, sodium, zinc, lgucose, xylose, galactose, bio-active substance and hormones are contained in Aloe.

As we list these effective ingredients of Aloe, we began to wonder; Are there any mysterious compounds other than that people have already decomposing from an organism? Is there any compound that is destroyed during the decomposing process? Is Organism? Is there any compound that man can't isolate with all his expertise? What kind of bio-chemical reaction will be shown in the human body by complex compounds if they are combined with unknown compounds? Is it possible to unveil all the unknowns? These are the questions.

Doesn't man face another unknown every time he unveils the unknown? For a mysterious unknown like Aloe, we doubt that isolation of its ingredients may remain as a perpetual "home work" assignment.

Aloe as a Health Food
Many people in the world are diagnosed as unhealthy or only half healthy. The United States of America, which is the richest country in the world, has many geriatric diseases. The way to overcome this shameful fact is to follow the example of the natives in Africa. The paradox has proved true that the poorer a country is, the healthier it is without geriatric diseases.

Traditional Korean foods consist of whole grains, vegetables, and root plants. Vegetables constitute most of the diet, but traditionally it was also possible to eat meat a few times a year or on special occasion. This kind of diets is admired by the rich Americans. However, Koreans are now recommending the diet that Americans are trying to get rid of. It has become generally accepted that good foods contain meat, and delicious food has abundant chemical spices and sugar.

To increase the appetite, stimulant spices such as peppers, salt, and garlic are used, and it is considered best if whole grains, flours, rice, or sugars are as white as they can be.

Now, people do not listen to reports that these foods are harmful to the body and that brown rice and vegetables are better. Habits are not changed quickly or artificially. Delicious foods bring pleasure, and it is hard to overcome this temptation.

How, then, can we please our sense of taste yet be free from its harmful effects? Here again, we focus our attention to the miraculous virtue of Aloe.

Not only is Aloe harmless and non-poisonous but it also decomposes harmful substances, especially unnecessary regular fat; continual use of Aloe its can prevent geriatric disease and solve various dietary problems.

Polysacchrides are the main ingredient of Aloe. Its molecular weight is believed to be 450,000, and it contains many beneficial active ingredient and 18 types of Amino acids. In other words, Aloe is the embodiment of alkaline nutrition.

The physical constitution of modern man seems to look healthy, but in reality it is not. We have becomes susceptible to geriatric diseases due to foods with strong acids. The way of changing this acidified constitution into a weak alkaline constitution is to take Aloe. From this point of view, it is worthwhile to recommend Aloe as a health Food.

Aloe does not have to be taken in any special way to show its value as a health food. For Vera and Saponaria, you can eat about an inch of fresh Aloe without the skin. For Arboresense, take a half inch to one inch of fresh Aloe with the skin. For convenience, taking powdered or processed Aloe is the same as taking whole Aloe for treatment of disease.

When treating a disease, taking Aloe three or four times a day, before or after a meal, and before bed is recommended. However, it is good to use Aloe as a health food by eating it fresh in the morning and the evening, or drinking Aloe juice whenever you are thirsty.

Aloe as a Cosmetic Product
Cleopatra in ancient Egypt and Yang Keui-Fei in China are considered to have been the most beautiful women in world history.

Which one would you prefer to be, a classical Oriental beauty like Yang Keui-Fei or typical and Western beauty like Cleopatra?

Whatever your choice, every woman wants beauty. Women have such a great hunger for beauty that they sometimes abuse cosmetics and diet medicines, or over do their diets, leading to their deaths.

The real basis of beauty is health. The vitality and liveliness of health women and the pleasant rhythms of their behavior are the kind of beauty that gets people's attention. In addition, make-up and hair styles, a marked personality, and modern clothes attract the fascinated gazed of men and the admiring eyes of other women. But Venus refused a woman with rough skin, and a pale and freckled face, even though she adorned herself with luxurious jewels and clothes.

More than anything else, constipation easily causes pimples and eruptions to break out on woman's face, or makes her face sallow. Constipation has physical and mental causes. The most prevailing symptom in constipation is the laxity of the intestinal organs, which makes people have difficulty with bowel movements. Another type is convulsive constipation, in which case the intestines sporadically contract and excrement is in lump form.

As mentioned often before, Aloe is miraculously effective in curing constipation. The efficacy of Aloe cures the disease of the body and beautifies it.

The Aloin in Aloe stimulates the large intestine to make the stool soft. However, one must be sure not to take an excessive amount of Aloe, in order to avoid diarrhea. Mental anguish and nervousness also destroy a woman's beauty. Anxiety and stress make one's nerves edgy, the metabolism in his body declines, and secretion of hormones worsens. As Aloe stimulates the nerves and soothes them, it is an effective remedy for people full of mental stress. Remove what obstructs your health and beauty with Aloe, and then consider making yourself more beautiful.

- Aloe using for Skin Conditioner (Neutralization of the skin, Removal of pimples and freckles from the face)
- Beauty Treatment (Fresh(raw) Aloe leaves, Aloe facial lotion, Aloe lip
cream, Aloe pack, Aloe bath, etc)