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Untitled Document
A health dietary Chitosan supplement.
Fast absorption made possible with chito oligosaccharides.
Kim Jeong Moon continues to outshine other Chitosaproducts.
It contains high levels of essential chito oligosaccharides, which lowers cholesterol and improves the immune system.

- Specialties and Benefits of Kim Jeong Moon Chitosan :
Prevents arteriosclerosis (hardening of the heart and arteries) by lowering cholesterol and promotes healthy blood circulation.
The high potency chito oligosaccharides improves the immune system.
Kim Jeong Moon Chitosan outshines other Chitosan products because of its unique preparation methods of stabilizing the ingredients with enzyme.

- Suggested Uses:
Improves circulatory conditions (such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, and others), lowers cholesterol, prevents fat accumulation in the intestines and other intestinal diseases, alleviates involuntary nervous system deterioration, and relieves menopausal conditions.

- Warning :
May cause lethargy and drowsiness for the first 4-5 days (may last up to two weeks), and hypersensitive bowels (resulting in diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and other symptoms). This is an excretory cleanser and will cause the body to excrete poisons through the pores and stool.

- Content : 500mg X 180 capsule (90g)
- Directions : Two capsules 3 times daily.
For persons suffering from more serious diseases, take 1.5 to 2 times the suggested dosage.